California Consumer Privacy
Act (CCPA) Compliance

Added Personal Data Protection

More companies are now legally required to get explicit user consent to gather—or keep—a user’s personal data, show what has been gathered, and offer the opportunity to delete personal data on request, all to create a higher standard for consent.

In the United States, this standard has emerged as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Under CCPA, Californians have the right to know what personal data businesses collect and store and have the additional right to dictate if their data will be sold elsewhere. The mandate is further strengthened by the California Privacy Rights Act, which goes into effect in 2023.

As of the second quarter of 2022, only 9% of US companies legally expected to comply with CCPA were fully compliant.

Data Protection for Your Business and California Residents

Scan all files, systems, and repositories that contain personal data and contextualize sensitive privacy information with PKWARE’s AI-infused software.

Respond fully and on time to Data Subject Access Requests (DSAR) with individualized reports, based on PK Discovery identity creation and company-defined privacy policy application.

Create and maintain inventories of personal data and robust, unique identities of all individuals.

Apply appropriate privacy policies to meet the CCPA requirements from over 100 out-of-the-box options without a single line of code.

Continuous Protection

With the addition of CPRA, now businesses must protect data elements within a record. With information added to most records at any time, PKWARE solutions can report on changes at an element level to address the increasing granularity in privacy data management. Stay informed on what, where, and whose data exists within your enterprise to keep both your business and your customers safe long into the future.

Additional Resources

  • PKWARE May 11, 2023
  • PKWARE April 20, 2023
  • PKWARE March 30, 2023
  • PKWARE December 13, 2022