
Identifying and Protecting Data

A key partner of PKWARE since its founding, Snowflake provides enterprise users with a revolutionary data warehouse platform built entirely in and for the cloud to easily gather, unify, analyze, and share governed data. The unique features and capabilities of Snowflake make it simple to implement in modern data engineering, data sharing, data warehousing, test, and analytics workflows and use cases.

More than 1.8 million database queries are made in Snowflake on a daily basis.

Standards-Based Data Protection

Vast Data Stores

Define sensitive data policies for all distributed data held across locations and devices

Confidence to Scale for All Data Sizes that Snowflake
Can Manage

Distribute security services for Snowflake data warehouses in the cloud to enhance data management, performance, and scalability

Protect Sensitive Data Everywhere

Protect all sensitive data in Snowflake regardless of the cloud provider

Differentiated Encryption/Masking

Precise element-level protection through various high-performance masking or encryption techniques

Compliance and Comprehensive Reporting

Maintain compliance with PCI DSS, HIPAA, CCPA, GDPR, and more

Range of Protection

Secure structured, semi-structured, and fully unstructured data formats alike

Eliminate Sensitive Data Vulnerability

Snowflake’s technology combines the power of data warehousing, the flexibility of big data platforms, the elasticity of the cloud, and live data sharing at a fraction of the cost of traditional solutions. But it’s important to be able to safely and efficiently store, transform, and analyze data in the cloud. PKWARE excels at identifying and protecting sensitive, personal, or private data in Snowflake to provide unmatched data protection while empowering data-driven insights.

Additional Resources

  • Excited about PCI DSS 4.0? We Are—Here’s Why
    PKWARE May 31, 2023
  • EJ Pappas January 19, 2023
  • how much can you lose in a cyber attack ripple effect of a data breach pkware ebooks
    PKWARE July 31, 2022
  • Safeguarding Intellectual Property
    PKWARE June 24, 2022